Happy Pi Day!
In celebration of Pi day, here's an article from Time on how the number 3.14 got the name "Pi".
Marty at ICTCM
This Friday, Marty will be giving leading the session "Statistics Bests" at ICTCM in Chicago. The session description is below. Stop by...
Seeing Theory
Here's a great site that uses interactive visualizations to make statistics more accessible. The site was created by Brown University...
Baseball Catch Probability Introduced
Baseball and statistics go together like hot dogs and ketchup. As further evidence of this, Major League Baseball's Statcast is debuting...
Bureau of Labor Statistics News
This New York Times webpage provides a convenient list of all of their articles about the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A good place to...
25 Big Data Terms You Should Know
The good folks at Dataconomy have identified 25 Big Data terms everyone should know. These will also come in handy at your next cocktail...
Congrats to the Pats!
It may not have been "impossible", but the probability of a New England Patriots win in Super Bowl LI bottomed out at 0.4% with 5 minutes...
Statdisk 13 Update Available
An updated version of Statdisk 13 (version 13.0.1) is now available for download at Statdisk.org! This new version includes enhancements...
The Biggest Stat Lesson of 2016
Stats.org details what they consider to be the biggest statistical lesson of last year: "statistical issues should be reported clearly...
Hot of the Press!
Look what arrived today! The new editions of Elementary Statistics, Elementary Statistics Using Excel, Biostatistics and Statistical...